Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"One woman's Titanic is another woman's Love Boat."

I had no clue what to write about in this post. I've been confused about relationships of all kinds for the past few days. Every evening I'd open my Apple, and keep staring at this blank page. Tonight, I had my inspiration- my spanish friend. We've just had a very international Skype call Kraków- Lausanne.

The conversation went on many subjects (mostly about our crazy love-life), but it got me thinking about relationships. Not only between those important ones we carry with our best friends (same gender- I'd call them my 'girlfriends'), but about men- women relationships.

The other day somebody told me I should write about this. It assured me it's a great subject to mess around with. I guess it was not about the kind of study I've undertaken- which is psychology ( because it doesn't allow you to be a genius of relations), but because I have so many friends, they are most important to me. Well.. plus all ex, attempted ( kinda seems like crimes) boyfriends.

Yesterday, I had a majestic experience. I had a collision (yes, this is how I'd call it) with one on my 'ex'. It was like getting a bad bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau the first day of the season. How many of you think those moments are so awkward you really cannot use any words to describe it ? It got me thinking.. After a break-up, should we keep the contact with our ex ? Obviously, when it ended rough, the question answers itself. But.. when we face the situation, are we that weak, that when we want to run away and we wish Hallmark was making "Don't ask the how-are-you-question" cards? Or maybe it is just me ?
What can I tell. After the conversation we had, I will always think fondly of him. As a Schmuck.
But maybe my Titanic is somebody's else Love Boat ? How can I tell ?

When you are not in a relationships, you fly around all men/ women.. Is leaving in 'the limbo' great or not? What if we feel really good about it ? Then comes the question. Is it true what we feel, or we tend to make it true because this is what we need to survive ?

I used to think every men after the first love is 'the rebound guy'. Do we need to fall it love again to forget the last love ? Do we need somebody new to shake our lives to feel emotionally alive and available ? Do we need the break to get closer ? Sometimes I feel I need a new word for 'OVER' or 'THE BREAK- UP".  They both should hire a new PR guy.


  1. I love it :) And I love Jonny's comment on your fb wall :)

    Maybe there's no answer...


  2. In English this story is more dramatic than in Polish ;)

  3. I guess I write better in English, when it comes to DRAMA :)
