Wednesday, April 18, 2012

¡Hola Sevilla!

The Sevillians are great actors and put on an extraordinary performance at their annual Fería de Abril, a week-long party of drink, food and dance (!) which takes place day and night in more than a thousand tents.

the view from the Cathedral's Tower

The Cathedral

How to celebrate? The easiest way is to attend a flamenco show. Incredible musicians and dancers. The best ones usually take place in mysterious spots and start around midnight.

Do not forget to try amazing local cuisine. TAPAS- are a wide variety of appetizers, served cold or warm. Any kind of fried seafood- the best is a little octopus, salads of any kind (for example Ensaladilla rusa) or simply... las croquetas !
In my opinion best place to go in Sevilla are EME restaurants. Two restaurants and a café held in one building, next to the Cathedral, a massive gothic masterpiece.

Las croquetas @ EME

Jamón serrano @ San Sebastian

Reales Alcázares de Sevilla is the royal palace,one of the best remaining examples of mudéjar architecture. Spectacular patio, incredibly huge gardens are one of official residences of the Royal Family. Must- go !

An amazing place to go to is Hotel Alfonso XIII. It's a five star hotel, but still you can get a cup of tea served in a very chic ceramic cup for a fair price. Treat is as another stop to make, on your way from Plaza de España to The Cathedral ! Simply magical and chic.

Hotel Alfonso XIII

Lemon tree in front of the hotel..
Bienvenido a Sevilla !


  1. Piękne miejsce, fantastyczne zdjęcia. Może na następny wieczór w Zielonkach zrobisz tapas ?


  2. Bardzo chętnie ! Będzie hiszpański grill :)
    Nie wiem tylko, czy ktoś zjadłby pieczoną małą ośmiorniczkę...:) mnie osobiście szalenie smakowała.
